Sažetak | Za svaki proizvod napravljen od strane čovjeka postoji vjerojatnost da u nekom trenutku zakaže i prestane obavljati funkciju zbog koje je stvoren. Softverska rješenja nisu u tome nikakva iznimka. Prestanak rada softverskih rješenja može uzrokovati korisnicima i proizvođačima tih rješenja veliku financijsku štetu, a u nekim slučajevima i uvelike narušiti ugled.
U ovom radu navedeni su neki od primjera važnosti ispravnog i detaljnog testiranja softvera, objašnjeni su principi za uspješno testiranje te su istražene vrste testiranja. Budući da je testiranje web rješenja jedno zaista opširno polje i kad bi se krenulo u razrađivanje svakog faktora uključenog u proces web testiranja, opseg materijala bi daleko nadmašio opseg završnog rada i prerastao u knjigu. Iz tog razloga se u ovom radu pokušalo obuhvatiti samo najbitnije vrste testiranja web rješenja, opisati njihove karakteristike, proces izvođenja, tijek rada, tipove i alate potrebne za automatizaciju njihovog izvođenja.
Za svrhu ovog rada, testirano je web rješenje BiGi PRO. Testiranje web rješenja je obavljeno prolazeći kroz svaki tip testiranja opisan unutar rada, po pravilima opisanim u tekstu. Alati koji su korišteni za testiranje su: LambdaTest, LoadView i OWASP ZAP. |
Sažetak (engleski) | For every product made by man, there is a probability that, at the certain moment, it will fail and stop performing the function it was made to do. Software solutions aren't an exception. Failure of software soultion can cause financial damage and sometimes greatly reduce reputation to users and developers of the solution.
In this thesis, some examples of importance of correct and detailed software testing are listed, principles of successful testing are explained and types of testing are studied. Since web testing is one truly wide field, if this was done by elaborating each factor included in the web testing process, the scope of materials would fairly surpass the scope of the final thesis and would have grown into a book. For that reason, in this thesis, I have tried to include only the most important types of web testing, describe their characteristics, process of performing them, workflow, subtypes and tools that are necessary for their automatization.
For purpose of this thesis, web solution BiGi PRO has been tested. Testing of the web solution has been done by conducting each type of testing describe in the thesis, by rules described inside the text. Tools used for testing are: LambdaTest, LoadView and OWASP ZAP. |