Abstract | Digitalne društvene mreže postale su dijelom naše svakodnevnice. Sve se više ljudi njima koristi kako za privatne, tako i u poslovne svrhe. Uz Facebook oglase možemo lako i efikasno privući ciljanu skupinu ljudi na internetsku stranicu, komunicirati s njima i saznati kako unaprijediti posao. Jedna je od glavnih karakteristika Facebooka dvosmjerna komunikacija uz koju zainteresirani korisnici imaju mogućnost da pitaju sve što ih zanima ali i da dobiju povratnu informaciju brže nego preko drugih medija. Također, bitna prednost komunikacije i oglašavanja na Facebooku je dobra mogućnost targetiranja – odabira ciljanog tržišta, uz koji možemo pronaći, odabrati i poslati određenu poruku segmentiranoj skupini ljudi kako bi ju privukli na našu internetsku stranicu. U slučaju da je to internetska stranica o određenom brendu, na društvenim mrežama možemo svakodnevno obavještavati zainteresirane korisnike o pogodnostima, akcijama i novitetima vezanima uz brend, a s vremenom korisnici mogu postati i vjerni kupci. Bilo da nam je cilj privući što veći broj ljudi, bilo da želimo informirati korisnika ili, u konačnici, prodati proizvod ili uslugu, Facebook kampanja vrlo je moćan alat koji nam u tome može pomoći.
Nakon uvodnog dijela o samom oglašavanju na Facebooku, rad predstavlja detaljni opis stvaranja oglasa uz Ads Manager i Power Editor alat na Facebooku. U radu će se opisati više različitih oglasa. Njihovom usporedbom i detaljnom analizom dolazimo do zaključka o metodama koje su zadovoljile cilj mog rada – povećanje posjećenosti na mojoj fan stranici i na istoimenom blogu. Također, povećavajući broj korisnika, želim povećati i broj pretplatnika na elektronički bilten koji sadrži savjete za dresuru i brigu o psima. Rad završava zaključkom koji iznosi sve prednosti i mane u radu s Facebookovim alatom, otkrivajući koliko su izrada i provođenje kampanje, kao i transparentni rezultati, pridonijeli ostvarenju mog unaprijed zacrtanog cilja. |
Abstract (english) | Digital social networks have become part of everyday life. More and more people are becoming their users both for private and business life. With the utilization of the Facebook Ads system one can easily and efficiently attract a target audience to a desired web site. Having the audience acquired, one can then start communicating and learning about the site's visitors thus improving the overall business quality for the business owner's web site. Facebook has many qualities for the end-user, but one worth emphasizing is the two-way communication channel. With this type of communication users can ask at any time for anything they wish from the business owner, thus retrieving the information faster than from any other type of communication medium. Also, the ability to target precisely a desired audience is a very important factor which saves business owners time and money. By using precise targeting, one can filter out, select and then send a specialized message to targeted segment to attract that specific type of users. If the web site is about a specific brand or product then the visitors can be informed about discounts, news and benefits they can leverage as soon as possible. This type of action and communication can increase the rate of converting visitors to paying customers. All in all, using Facebook Ads and Campaigns is an invaluable tool for the modern digital marketer. After the introductory part about building ads with Facebook, this paper will present the reader on how to develop and publish Facebook Ads with the Ads Manager tool and by using the Power Editor Facebook tool. The paper discusses different types of ads so the reader can easier understand which type should be used for what type of business goal. By analysing the results of ads presented in this paper, there is a conclusion on which approach was the best in improving the number of visitors for my blog page. The goal of this paper is to increase the overall number of visitors and subscribers to my blog newsletter. The final conclusion will list all the pros and cons in using the Facebook Ads tool and how much did it actually help me in attracting a relevant audience. |