Sažetak | U svrhu ovog završnog rada nastoji se kreirati alternativna inačica ilustrirane mape Zagreba, koja bi se koristila za promidžbu Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba. Uvidjela se potreba za ovakvom vrstom mape prilikom samog istraživanja, kao i sama ideja da se grad na ovakav način prezentira. Mapom se želi se pristupiti turistima i posjetiteljima kroz suvremen, zanimljiv i privlačan ilustracijski pristup. Njezin se dizajn primjenjuje na torbe, majice, notese, naljepnice, razglednice i ostale promidžbene materijale. U sklopu ovoga rada osmišljena je i prototip mobilne aplikacije s interaktivnom ilustriranom mapom koja može poslužiti za daljnji razvoj aplikacije s novim funkcionalnostima i sadržajima. Prvi dio rada posvećen je istraživanju i provedenoj anketi. Na osnovi dobivenih podataka o ciljnoj skupini, a potpomognuti istraživanjem konkurenata bilo je jasno u kojem je smjeru trebalo kreirati krajnje rješenje. Drugi dio rada obuhvaća kreativni koncept. Poglavlje unutar knjige u kojem se nalazi razrada ideje objašnjava grafičke standarde u kojem je istaknut logotip, boje, tipografija i ostali pomoćni elementi te na koncu finalno rješenje. Zatim slijedi aplicirana mapa i izdvojeni segmenti na proizvodima. Predstavljen je prototip mobilne aplikacije Meet Zagreb i društvene mreže. Na samome su kraju rada doneseni zaključci o odabiru teme i konačni rezultat ovog završnog rada. |
Sažetak (engleski) | For the purpose of this final paper, an attempt is made to create an alternative version of the illustrated map of Zagreb, which would be used to promote the Zagreb Tourist Board. The need for this type of map was realized during the research itself, as well as the very idea of presenting the city in this way. The map aims to access tourists and visitors through a modern, interesting and attractive illustrative approach. Its design is applied to bags, T-shirts, notebooks, stickers, postcards and other promotional materials. As part of this work, a prototype of a mobile application with an interactive illustrated map was designed, which can be used for further development of the application with new functionalities and contents. The first part of the paper is dedicated to the research and the conducted survey. Based on the obtained data on the target group, and assisted by the research of competitors, it was clear in which direction the final solution should be created. The second part of the paper includes a creative concept. The chapter within the book, which contains the elaboration of the idea, explains the graphic standards in which the logo, colors, typography and other auxiliary elements are highlighted, and finally the final solution. This is followed by an applied map and selected segments on the products. A prototype of the Meet Zagreb mobile application and social networks was presented. At the very end of the paper, conclusions were made on the choice of topic and the final result of this final paper. |