Sažetak | Budući da završavam studij digitalnog marketinga i imam višegodišnje iskustvo u turističkom sektoru, odlučio sam povezati ova dva područja i napisati rad o kampovima s mobilnim kućicama u Hrvatskoj i njihovu predstavljanju na digitalnim platformama.
Ako smo dobro upoznati s demografskim karakteristikama naših korisnika, njihovim navikama, interesima i modelima ponašanja, alati digitalnih marketinških komunikacija omogućuju nam precizno ciljanje, povećavanje poznatosti branda i ostvarivanje ''konverzija'', uz racionalnu uporabu marketinškog budžeta.
U prvom dijelu rada dajemo prikaz turističke industrije te globalnih i lokalnih trendova uz odabrane primjere uspješnih online komunikacija iz svjetske prakse. Uz to, osvrnut ćemo se i na stanje turističkog segmenta kampova s mobilnim kućicama, u svijetu, Hrvatskoj i Istri.
Drugi dio rada obuhvatit će istraživanje, situacijsku analizu i prijedlog strategije digitalnih marketinških komunikacija s naglaskom na web(-sjedište), Facebook i Instragram kao ključne komunikacijske točke.
Metodološki pristup uključit će istraživanje za stolom (desktop research), analizu poslovanja odabranog kampa u različitim sezonama i dubinske intervjue. |
Sažetak (engleski) | After gaining some experience in the tourist sector, specifically in the campsite segment, over the past years and because of my interest in Digital Marketing during my Bachelor’s course, I decided to link the two subjects and write a paper on mobile homes’ presence in Croatian campsites and their involvement in digital marketing channels. As long as there is an extensive research on our customers- about their demographics, interests, behaviors, and habits- the communication tools used for digital marketing will enable companies to raise their brand awareness, have detailed targeting, and eventually create conversions using a set amount of their marketing budget. The first part of my paper will consist of an overview of the touristic industry, its global and local trends, accompanied with a couple of successful examples of online communication of globally known brands. Moreover, there will be a review of the current state of the campsite segment with mobile homes in the Istrian region, Croatia, and the world. The second part of the paper, on the other hand, will include a research, a situational analysis, and to conclude, a digital marketing strategy will be proposed with a highlight on the website, Facebook, and Instagram as the main communication points. This paper’s methodological approach consisted of desktop research, the analysis of a business approach of a selected campsite, and in-depth interviews. |