Abstract | Iako je JavaScript jedan od najpopularnijih programskih jezika u svijetu, ipak nije na dobrom glasu u svijetu programera. Počeci su mu bili vrlo skromni, nitko zapravo nije niti očekivao da bi programski jezik stvoren u samo 10 dana mogao postati ono što je danas – vrlo moćan alat za stvaranje kompletnih programskih rješenja.
Unatoč lošoj reputaciji, JavaScript konstantno napreduje, razvija se i dobiva nove dodatke, sve kako bi programeru omogućio produktivniji, brži i lakši rad.
Odabirom izrade kompletne web aplikacije u JavaScript programskom jeziku, autor je htio samom sebi, a i drugima koji će pročitati ovaj rad, pokazati jedan od načina na koje je moguće napraviti ovakvu jednu web aplikaciju koristeći JavaScript na oba fronta, na serveru i klijentu. Motivacija je bila time i veća jer do sada nije programirao serversku stranu aplikacije, pa se i sam htio testirati i uvjeriti, koliko je teško(ili lako) napraviti serverski dio, koristeći tehnologiju koju zapravo rabi u svakodnevnom radu.
Autor se nada kako će se potencijalni čitatelji ovog rada sa istim žarom uhvatiti u koštac s JavaScript-om na obje strane, naučiti više o React-u, Redux-u i ostalim alatima koje je upotrijebio, te možda čak putem i zavoljeti JavaScript. |
Abstract (english) | Even though JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, it's still not very well thought of in the world of developers. Its beginnings were very humble, and nobody really expected that a language created in only 10 days could become what it is today - a very powerful tool for the creation of comprehensive software solutions.
Despite the bad reputation, JavaScript is constantly evolving and getting new features, all to allow the developer to be more productive, code faster and easier.
By choosing to develop a complete application in JavaScript programming language, author wanted to show both himself and others who will read this paper, that it is possible to make such a web application using JavaScript on both fronts, the server and client. The motivation was even greater, because so far, author haven't developed an application on the server side, and he wanted to test himself and persuade, how difficult (or easy) is to develop the server part, through technology that he works with everyday.
Author hopes that the potential readers of this paper will be excited the same way he was, and come to grips with the JavaScript on both sides, to learn more about React, Redux and other tools that he used, and maybe even fall in love with JavaScript along the way. |