Abstract | Ovaj završni rad prolazi proces kreiranja nove kripto valute na Binance Smart Chain platformi, koristeći BEP-20/ERC20 standard. Na početku rada, dotičemo se blockchain tehnologije te fundamentalnih koncepata na kojima je bazirana. Također, razmatrali smo ulogu blockchain tehnologije u procesu kreiranja decentralizirane valute, primjene navedene tehnologije u realnom svijetu te benefita koje pruža.
Platforma koja nam je omogućila kreaciju nove kripto valute je Binance Smart Chain, blockchain koji je kompatibilan sa Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Ključne funkcionalnosti Binance Smart Chain-a, dual-chain arhitektura, brzo procesuiranje transakcija, te niske transakcijske naknade isto tako su spomenute u radu.
Potom, proces kreiranja nove valute/tokena objašnjen je u detalj. Kako bi nova valuta imala svoju svrhu, razvijen je Nexoverse projekt. To je projekt koji spaja virtualni svijet i kripto valute u jednu cjelinu, te pruža korisnost tokenu i razlog korisnicima da ga upotrebljavaju. Pametni ugovor prezentiran je u radu, a u fokusu su bile funkcionalnosti koje su potrebne da bi token bio funkcionalan na Binance Smart Chain mreži.
Postavljanje novog tokena na Binance Smart Chain mrežu objašnjeno je u radu, sa detaljnim koracima koji su potrebni za postavljanje i testiranje ugovora. Korisnost i upotreba tokena unutar Nexoverse svijeta detaljno je opisana, kao i izvan njega, u što spada upotreba kao sredstvo za plaćanje, čuvanje vrijednosti, te prikupljanja sredstava za razvoj projekta. Upoznali smo se i sa potencijalnim preprekama, ograničenjima i prednostima kroz provođenje SWOT analize. Ovaj rad demonstrira potencijal blockchain tehnologije i korištenja pametnih ugovora prilikom kreiranja decentralizirane digitalne valute i servisa. |
Abstract (english) | This graduation paper goes through the process of creating a new cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain network, using the BEP-20 standard. This paper begins with an overview of blockchain technology, and the fundamental concepts on which it is based. We have also considered the role of blockchain technology in the process of creating a decentralized currency, the real-world application of this technology, and the benefits it provides.
The Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, is introduced as a platform of choice for the development of a new cryptocurrency. The key features of the Binance Smart Chain, dual-chain architecture, fast transaction processing, and low transaction fees are also mentioned in the paper.
Following that, the process of creating a new cryptocurrency/token was covered in detail. In order to create a purpose for the new currency, the Nexoverse project was developed. Nexoverse brings the utility for the new cryptocurrency and the reason for adoption. The development of a smart contract was covered in detail, with a focus on functionalities required for the token to operate on the Binance Smart Chain.
The deployment of a new token on the Binance Smart Chain is also explained, with detailed steps required to set up and test the contract. Potential use cases of a new currency have been explored. This includes its potential as a means of payment, store of value, and fundraising for the project development. The potential challenges and limitations of the new cryptocurrency are also discussed. SWOT analysis was conducted on the project, pointing out potential obstacles, limitations, and advantages. This project demonstrates the potential of blockchain technology and smart contracts in the creation process of a new decentralized cryptocurrency. |