Abstract | Računarstvo u oblaku sve je popularniji odabir u organizacijama te gotovo 90% velikih organizacija smješta svoje infrastrukture u oblak ili koriste istovremeno više oblaka. Obzirom na brzo razvijanje tehnologija u oblaku i promjene u organizacijama, iste se mogu odlučiti na migraciju svojih poslovanja iz oblaka u oblak. Obzirom na navedeno, u radu je odrađena migracija web poslužitelja baziranih na Linux i Microsoft operativnim sustavima između vodećih platformi računarstva u oblaku.
Proces migracije sastojao se od pripreme, provedbe i analize migracije. Priprema je uključivala kreiranje računa u Microsoft Azure, AWS i GCP oblacima te postavljanje infrastrukture koja se primarno sastoji od dva virtualna računala dostupna putem javnih IP adresa te konfiguriranih web poslužitelja na istima. Nadalje, provedba se sastojala od pripreme izvorišnog i odredišnog oblaka, testne migracije nakon koje je uslijedila provjera funkcionalnosti virtualnog računala i web stranice, a na kraju i završne migracije. Za provedbu migracije korišteni su alati i usluge kreirani od strane pružatelja usluge računarstva u oblaku. Nakon provedenih migracija napravljena je analiza svake te su ustanovljene prednosti, mane, kompleksnost te dostupna dokumentacija za provedbu migracije.
Zaključeno je kako je migracija u AWS oblak financijski najisplativija, kvalitetno dokumentirana, a prilikom iste nije bilo poteškoća s migracijom virtualnih računala. Kod migracije u Microsoft Azure postojale su poteškoće s nekompatibilnosti operativnog sustava Linux, a dokumentacija je kvalitetno razrađena dok je trošak migracije veći od migracije u AWS zbog potrebe za korištenjem Microsoft Windows Server operativnog sustava. S druge strane, iako migracija u GCP nosi manje troškove od migracije u Microsoft Azure, priprema je kompleksnija, a dokumentacija zastarjela, sadrži netočne upute i nesistematizirana što otežava snalaženje i planiranje. Vodeći se najnižim troškovima migracije, kvalitetnom dokumentacijom, jednostavnošću pripreme i kompatibilnošću operativnih sustava s oblakom, zaključeno je da je migracija u AWS prvi izbor od tri navedene vodeće platforme računarstva u oblaku. |
Abstract (english) | Cloud computing is an increasingly popular choice in organizations, and almost 90% of large organizations place their infrastructures in the cloud or use multiple clouds at the same time. Considering the rapid development of cloud technologies and changes in organizations, they may decide to migrate their businesses from cloud to cloud. In view of the above, the migration of web servers based on Linux and Microsoft operating systems between the leading platforms of cloud computing was performed in the paper.
The migration process consisted of the preparation, implementation, and analysis of the migration. The preparation included creating accounts in Microsoft Azure, AWS, and GCP clouds and setting up the infrastructure, which primarily consists of two virtual computers accessible through public IP addresses and configured web servers on them. Furthermore, the implementation consisted of the preparation of the source and destination cloud, the test migration, followed by the verification of the functionality of the virtual computer and the website, and the final migration. To implement the migration, tools, and services created by cloud computing service providers were used. After the migrations were carried out, an analysis was made of each, and the advantages, disadvantages, complexity, and available documentation for the implementation of the migration were established.
It was concluded that the migration to the AWS cloud is financially the most profitable, it is well documented, and there were no difficulties with the migration of virtual computers. When migrating to Microsoft Azure, there were problems with the incompatibility of the Linux operating system, and the documentation was well developed, while the cost of the migration is higher than the migration to AWS due to the need to use the Microsoft Windows Server operating system. On the other hand, although the migration to GCP costs less than the migration to Microsoft Azure, the preparation is more complex, and the documentation is outdated, contains incorrect instructions, and is not systematized, which makes it difficult to navigate and plan. Based on the lowest migration costs, quality documentation, ease of preparation, and compatibility of operating systems with the cloud, it was concluded that migration to AWS is the first choice of the three listed leading cloud computing platforms. |