Abstract | Na temelju postojećih i zastarjelih algoritama za rangiranje pojedinaca razrađen je novi algoritam za definiranje poretka parova i pojedinaca u timskim sportovima. Definiranjem strategije i opsega projekta, razvijene su funkcionalne specifikacije i analizirani takvi algoritmi čiji će temeljni principi biti od značaja za izradu novog algoritma. Opisan je tijek izvođenja i način pripreme prototipa aplikacije za primjenu. Uz to, osmišljen je, dizajniran i izrađen vizualni prototip te konačni proizvod platforme u obliku web aplikacije u kojoj grupe sportaša mogu pri igranju utakmica digitalno bilježiti svoje rezultate natjecanja. Nakon registracije u aplikaciji i unošenja ishoda utakmica s ostalim igračima, kroz algoritam se dinamički stvaraju, bilježe i prikazuju grupni i pojedinačni rezultati i bodovi. Na taj način nastoji se postići preciznije određivanje ishoda timova i pojedinaca i utjecaj tih ishoda na njihove pozicije na rang listi s minimalnim ulaznim parametrima o utakmicama. Posebnost ovog sustava jest činjenica da algoritam ima realan utjecaj na formiranje pozicija timova i pojedinaca, čak i kada nisu svi parovi međusobno povezani utakmicama. Ideja jest da se takva preciznost postiže učestalom evaluacijom bodova protivnika te vlastitih bodova kroz vrijeme, uz dodatak da se biranje partnera i protivnika prema dosadašnjim rezultatima odražava i na igračev vlastiti rezultat. Ovakav sustav mnogo znači igračima koji se povremeno bave sportom i žele kvalitetnije organizirati vlastito vrijeme te pritom detaljnije pratiti svoj napredak. Glavni izazov jest da ovakav algoritam djeluje linearno, odnosno da je vremenski poredak od iznimnog značaja za oblikovanje rang liste, kao i provjera ispravnosti i istinitosti unesenih podataka. Najzanimljivija značajka koju ova aplikacija donosi pored statističkih prikaza o napretku jest predlaganje odabira partnera prema vještinama i rezultatima kako bi turnirska struktura bila ujednačenija. U konačnici, ovakvo sortiranje može biti iskorišteno i u drugim sportovima, ali i područjima gdje ovakva vrsta poretka može biti od značaja pri procjeni i rangiranju. |
Abstract (english) | Based on existing and mostly outdated algorithms for ranking individuals, a new algorithm is developed to define the ranking of teams and individuals in team sports. By defining the strategy and the scope of the project, functional specifications have been developed and relevant algorithms are analysed, forming the fundamental principles for the design of the new algorithm. Its flow is described and charted, along with the steps of preparing the prototype of an algorithm testing application. In addition, a visual prototype of the user application is designed and built, which leads to the final product of the sports platform in the form of a web application in which groups of athletes can digitally record the results of their matches. After completing the registration process and entering outcomes of matches with other players, the algorithm dynamically generates, records and displays the scores of both teams and individuals. In this way, an effort is made to more accurately determine the outcomes of teams and individuals and the impact of those outcomes on their ranking positions with minimal match input parameters. The peculiarity of this system is the fact that the algorithm has a realistic and up-to-date impact on the formation of the ranking positions of teams and individuals, despite the fact that not all pairs and players are interconnected by matches. The idea is that such precision is achieved by frequent evaluation of opponents' points and the player's own points over time, reflecting the differences between them and impacting their scores. This kind of system means a lot to players who occasionally play sports and want a better way of organizing their own time and tracking their progress. The main challenge is that such an algorithm works linearly, that is, the time order is extremely important for the creation of ranking list, as well as checking the validity and veracity of the entered data. Aside from the dynamic progress statistics, the most interesting feature of this application is the suggestion and the selection of best partners according to an accurate estimate of skills by scores, making the tournament structure more uniform. Ultimately, this system could be used in other sports, as well as areas where this type of ranking can have an impact in evaluation. |